the telescopes: The Untitled Second Album
  • the telescopes

  • The Untitled Second Album (CD)

  • sku: CRREV81
  • Condition: Brand New Back Order
  • 10.07
  • $10.57
  • You can only place this item in your reserve list.


  • Format: CD
  • Label: Revola
  • Genre: 80s,90s, Rock, Garage
The Telescopes... among the most innovative and challenging yet successful artists in Creation Records' "middle period", a leading part of the wave of sonic experimenters who included Spacemen 3, My Bloody Valentine, Spectrum and Spiritualised. Recently reformed (though in truth they never went away) and side projects like Antenna Records and Unisex have kept them in the forefront of experimental pop worldwide. Towards the end of their time with Creation Records, they made their most fully realised album yet, #, which for reasons too obscure to go into here was barely released, and barely promoted, a bit of a tragedy really. It's hard to believe listening to this album that it is not an acknowledged classic. I suppose it was lost in the stars. So here it is again, intensified with two extra tracks, lavish packaging and all the paraphernalia one would expect of Rev-Ola! Splashdown / High On Fire / You Set My soul / Spaceships / The Presence Of Your Grace / And / Flying / Yeah / Ocean Drive / Please Tell Mother / To The Shore Bonus Tracks: Dnaanb / Tornado