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Side 1: Tracks 1-2 recoreded live at the Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA on 13th August 1969.
Side 2: Tracks 1 recoreded live at the Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA on 13th August 1969. Track 2 recoreded live at Staines, UK for 'Supershow' movie 26th March 1969.
Side 3: Track 1-3 recoreded in London for BBC "Top Gear" on 30th June 1969. Track 4 recorded at the Big Apple, Brighton on 27th March 1971
Side 4: Tracks 1, 2 recorded live at Manchester University, Manchester on 18th March 1971. Track 3 recorded live at the Big Apple, Brighton on 27th March 1971 Track 4 recorded live in Bristol in March 1971.
Track Listing