This immensely rare album, the follow-up to Alexis Korner'sprevious outing at London' s Marquee Club, finds Blues Incorporatedwithout Long John Baldry and Cyrille Smith performing live atLiverpool's famous Cavern Club in 1964.Released on the Oriole label (Oriole 40058) in the same year, this ismore of a big band effort, although the emphasis on the blues is stillvery much in evidence, particularly on the slower numbers such asHoochie Coochie Man and Whoa, Babe. The band is in fine form, andthe sound is confident and relaxed, a remarkable feat when oneconsiders that the Cavern was invariably overcrowded on nights likethis and the temperature had a tendency to rise to almost tropicallevels!This was very much a "home fixture" for AK and Blues Inc., as theband had been returning regularly to the famous club ever sincetheir sensational appearance at the Beat Festival held in Liverpool'sStanley Stadium the previous year. Korner summed up the band'slove affair with Liverpool thus "The people really listen to you there.The minute you set foot in The Cavern, you know it's going to be agood session". And judging by the evidence of this recording,Korner was spot on! Another great reissue from Radioactive.Track Listing 1. Overdrive 2. Whoa, Babe 3. Every Day I Have The Blues 4. Hoochie Koochie Man 5. Herbie's Tune 6. Little Bitty Girl Blues 7. Well All Right, O.K., You Win 8. Kansas City