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One of the best and most important psychedelic bands to emerge from South America in the late 60s/early 70s. It is impossible to indicate just how revolutionary they were-but the fact that the band were naked on the cover of their debut, and crucified their singer on the cover of their second album may give you an idea. The bands first album was recorded live in 1969 in a simple three-track studio. In a strict Catholic country, the albums front cover showing the band sitting nude in a darkly lit room caused quite a stir; record shops refused to stock the record and the press and Church both censored it. And the music rattled a few people too: raw, with heavy rhythms, bursts of distortion and fuzz, fantastic phased female vocals (inviting the inevitable comparison to Jefferson Airplane), and English lyrics. The band's guitarist Carlos Corales is superb, his skill most evident on the erotic Erotica and the ten-minute long mini-epic Crimson And Clover, which finds his wife Denise in superb vocal form. . Our replica LP versions are housed in heavy 1960's style tip-on jackets; inside you will find a four panel insert, printed on 100% recycled paper, with comments and plenty of photos from the band members (in English and Spanish), plus historical background on the Chilean rock music scene. The LP labels are replicas of the Arena label originals. Limited editions of 1,000 copies"